Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog for a friend; it's personal

I found a dear high school friend I had lost contact with about three weeks ago, after searching for her for more than a year and a half.  I didn't have time to be simply excited about finding her because it was instantly obvious from her Facebook status that she was ill.  Seriously so.  I will not name her here as to protect her privacy, since I did not discuss writing about her in a semi-public forum.  Suffice to say we were friends during our teenager years, dated friends, and were exactly three days apart in age.  
When I learned of her Stage 3 colon cancer, I sobbed.  I called my mom and my sister, who remembered her spending several weekend slumber parties, outings, and youth Bible studies at our house in the '80s.  I cried because I love her and am fearful for this beautiful mother of three.  I cried because she doesn't deserve this.  I cried for our youth---and for better and earlier detection from this horrific disease.

I found her phone number in an online directory, and we reconnected.  It was like we had just parted for a few days---not since 11th grade in 1988.  Her exuberance for life and faith are much stronger than my own, and I have my health.  We will stay in touch now thanks to technology putting us back in touch.

Today, on her Facebook page, she posted the following blog site.

I am asking each of you to check it out.  Many of you may have loved ones suffering from colo-rectal cancer or a similar illness.  Some of you may know someone or be suffering yourselves from an inflammatory bowel disease.  Colon cancer is currently the fourth most common cancer in the United States.

Some of you may be suffering and not even recognize the symptoms.

I know.  I was one of those.  About Thanksgiving time 1997, I got sick.  Really sick. At first it felt like food poisoning.  Then after a week, I decided I must have gotten a bad case of the flu.  Weeks turn into a month, and I was noticeably losing weight and having constant abdominal pain.  Every time I ate I had to immediately excuse myself to the restroom.  Not fun would be the understatement of the year.

I went to a 24-hour clinic and spent a lot of money on a lot medical tests.  After exhausting all their resources, the medical staff said the hundreds of tests they had run produced no diagnosis.  The doctor encouraged me to go to a gastroenterologist.  I had never before been to one.  I was 26.

I was finally diagnosed with ulcerative colitis, an inflammatory bowel disease, for which there is no cure.  I remained ill for the better part of three years, spending more than three weeks in the hospital near death in late 1998.  I have already had more colonoscopies than most people will have in their lifetimes.  I am happy to say I have been in remission for a decade, but I still take my medication three times a day, go to regular check-ups, rarely eat foods that I know are triggers for me.  I take it seriously because I know my life depends on it.  And I know I am one of the lucky ones who caught it early and got treatment.

You see, people who have inflammatory bowel diseases and irritable bowel issues---including Crohn's, diverticulosis, and others, have a much great chance of having treatable conditions become cancer, which can lead to the loss of your colon, wearing a colostomy bag, chemotherapy----or worse--death.  As a young newspaper reporter in Hattiesburg, I lost my publisher in 2000 to colon cancer.  He was a previously healthy man in his mid-40s and ignored the symptoms until it was too late.  

Please don't ignore any symptoms.  If you feel badly after meals, have issues going too often or not going enough, don't wait any longer.  Early treatment can prevent many cancers.  Have a colonoscopy now if you have a family history.  And have a colonoscopy even if you don't, if you are 50 or older.    

My friend was diagnosed earlier this year and has already had several surgeries and rounds of chemo.  Age and family history are on her side. I believe she's a fighter and will beat this.  

You may not be so lucky if you don't treat recurring stomach problems like your life depends on it.  Trust me.  It does.

For more information and statistics about colorectal cancer please visit:

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Phoenix has risen from the ashes of his pseudo-insanity.

Not a long note---but I feel it necessary to say that I, for one, am more than excited to have the real Joaquin Phoenix back. 

He was his ever handsome, shining star last night on Letterman.  It's funny because this week's New York magazine profiled him and his new quasi-documentary of his odd behavior of late.  Casey Affleck is the director of the film, "I'm Still Here," which chronicles his seeming descent into drugs and erratic behavior. 

All of which, we now know, was a sociological experiment brought on by his fascination with the popularity of reality TV.

I just want to say Joaquin back, baby!  And Ashley, I may need to exercise my visitation rights.  Is the larger-than-lifesize poster hanging above bed?

See Letterman appearance here:

Tuesday, September 21, 2010


This is about 'STUPID.'  

In case you doubt that what follows  qualifies, let me list the meaning of the word from and let you decide.
1. lacking ordinary quickness and keenness of mind; dull. 2. characterized by or proceeding from mental dullness; foolish; senseless: a stupid question. 3. tediously dull, esp. due to lack of meaning or sense; inane; pointless: a stupid party. 4. annoying or irritating; troublesome.

Now, I am the first person to empathize with those less fortunate in the smarts department due to youth or biological misfortune.  I was young once, too.  And I believe we are entrusted to care for those who cannot care for themselves due to mental deficiencies from birth, accidents or diseases.  I have a bleeding heart---at times so large as to be called a liberal.  It's true!

BUT when a person of seemingly average intelligence or better, from listening to her speak, calls three Bubbas at the radio station for advice on whether to keep or kill her unborn child.....I don't think you could smack enough smarts into that head to fix whatever is obviously broken in her.

This morning after I deposited my children at their school, I tuned in to 106.1 FM for my short daily drive in to work.  A young woman announced to the three DJs that she was in a quandary and needed advice.  (I don't know if she thought she was calling Dr. Laura and got mixed up, but I guess that would be even another kind of stupid---but at least a more understandable one as Laura Schlessinger is actually a therapist in real life and on the dial.)   Her dilemma: to keep or kill her baby!

 It felt like a perverted version of Three Men and a Baby. They wanted more details.  The caller said she was six weeks pregnant.  Her 23-year-old fiance of three years (THREE YEARS!  Where the hell is Beyonce?? Even she would give better advice.), who had just left for military service in the Middle East, wanted her to "get rid of it."  He just wasn't ready.  Obviously, commitment is an issue for this American hero. However, she said she wanted to keep the baby but didn't want to wind up a single mother again, as she already has a child from a previous relationship.

And the advice from these de facto shrinks: "It's your decision!"  Dear Lord, why hadn't she thought of that?!  It's your decision!  Amazing.  It all became instantly clear.  I could almost feel the light shining down in that moment.

Yep, Missy, it's all your decision.  It was your decision to live with this man for three years without commitment.  It was your decision to not protect yourself from this situation (again, I might add).  It's your decision to kowtow to this man and lose this precious life growing inside you.  Rest assured, though, you will resent it, so the relationship will end anyway.  And it's your decision whether or not to act like the  mother that God has entrusted you to be.

I am so glad that Tom, Dick and Harry were available on the radio this morning to help you with something so life-changing .... or life-ending.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Radical sect of Presbyterian Church kill thousands and then church profits from it.

Do I have your attention now?

OK, so let's suppose for a minute that a radical group of the Presbyterian Church flew jumbo jets into a couple of skyscrapers and a U.S. government building or two of significant national/world importance. Thousands died. The group of misguided Jesus-freaks admit they did this because God told them to do it. They are not remorseful, and their followers around the globe are jubilant and dancing in the streets, as evidenced by extensive media coverage.

And let's suppose the area around the devastated structures is also condemned because pieces of fusilage, bodies, and buildings land for blocks around. The entire area, for all practical purposes, is of no use in its current state after the horrific act by the radical Presbyterians. The value of the properties drops substantially. Say..... this one particular lot where pieces of wreckage and carnage fell has plummetted from $18 million to $4 million in value, as assessed by NYC officials.

So years pass, and millions of Americans grow deaf, dumb and blind (but we refer to it as being politically correct, open-minded and tolerant as not to offend said minority). Then the peaceful Presbyterians---who, of course, now openly denounce their radical brethren's earlier actions---come along and get a steal of a land deal in Manhattan. And wouldn't you know, by coincidence, it just happens to be that land where the crazy Presbyterians decided to drop that plane.

Would you be for allowing the peace-loving, prayerful Presbyterians profit from these high crimes? Would you be OK with them erecting a 15-floor middle finger poignantly flipping off everything Americans have fought for the last 250 years?

Just asking. I think it's past time we do do more than just pray, people!

P.S. If you understand what I am saying, check it out for yourself. The mainstream media may not be reporting what we need to know, but if you research it for yourself, you can find out the truth behind the peace, love, and harmony soundbites.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My student are forcing me to pontificate.

So many of my students offered commentary on the Florida minister Terry Jones' cancelled Quran burning after a call from our fearless leader, that I can be silent no longer.

I likened President Obama's actions in the First Amendement fiasco to his earlier Beer Summit with allegedly racially profiled Henry Gates and the allegedly racist Boston cop.  I think Jones got the shaft, as Obama should have at least tagged this the Bible Summit (or more PC the religious reading material summit), rather than a short talk on the telephone.  But anyway.....he's busy, more pressing things to apologize for, I am sure.

Jones is probably a nutcase, but we here in America, celebrate our crazies.  And Jones deserves no less.  Hell, it wouldn't be the South if we didn't have wacky preachers out on stumps or in college courtyards yelling about the end times.  Give the guy a break.  Haven't all religious zealots burned a few ____ insert sinful media here ___ in their day.  And to Christians everywhere, don't we deep down think the Muslims have it all wrong?  So what's the harm in burning a few?

Of course, I jest, but only because I think burning a book (record, magazine, even an 8-track tape, for that matter) is a crime that should be punishable by at least a few hours in a holding cell forced to READ or watch the news and become a more informed citizen.

My point--and I do have one-- is this: don't argue out of both sides of your mouth, liberal America.  Jones' purpose was to show how ridiculous the NYC Ground Zero mosque is.  And yes, regardless of what you believe, it's a mosque.  Stop splitting hairs over it.  He may have gone about it the "wrong" way to you, but he has a right to demonstrate and burn whatever the heck kind of books he wants to, providing he got the correct local permits to burn.  Whether or not he should is another matter---but not one the president of the free world should offer advice in.  That--along with the media's obsessive coverage of this whole thing are the real crime here!  This man, with a congregation of 50, would have not even been a blip on the radar of real world issues had the media not gone nuts.

The mosque, too, falls into the this same category.  Do the owners of the property have a constitutionally protected First Amendment right to build and to practice their religion?  Absolutely?  Should they do it there?  Well, I think you can tell where I stand.