Monday, September 20, 2010

Radical sect of Presbyterian Church kill thousands and then church profits from it.

Do I have your attention now?

OK, so let's suppose for a minute that a radical group of the Presbyterian Church flew jumbo jets into a couple of skyscrapers and a U.S. government building or two of significant national/world importance. Thousands died. The group of misguided Jesus-freaks admit they did this because God told them to do it. They are not remorseful, and their followers around the globe are jubilant and dancing in the streets, as evidenced by extensive media coverage.

And let's suppose the area around the devastated structures is also condemned because pieces of fusilage, bodies, and buildings land for blocks around. The entire area, for all practical purposes, is of no use in its current state after the horrific act by the radical Presbyterians. The value of the properties drops substantially. Say..... this one particular lot where pieces of wreckage and carnage fell has plummetted from $18 million to $4 million in value, as assessed by NYC officials.

So years pass, and millions of Americans grow deaf, dumb and blind (but we refer to it as being politically correct, open-minded and tolerant as not to offend said minority). Then the peaceful Presbyterians---who, of course, now openly denounce their radical brethren's earlier actions---come along and get a steal of a land deal in Manhattan. And wouldn't you know, by coincidence, it just happens to be that land where the crazy Presbyterians decided to drop that plane.

Would you be for allowing the peace-loving, prayerful Presbyterians profit from these high crimes? Would you be OK with them erecting a 15-floor middle finger poignantly flipping off everything Americans have fought for the last 250 years?

Just asking. I think it's past time we do do more than just pray, people!

P.S. If you understand what I am saying, check it out for yourself. The mainstream media may not be reporting what we need to know, but if you research it for yourself, you can find out the truth behind the peace, love, and harmony soundbites.

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